During my time as a Onsite PC/Laptop repair technician I cannot count the number of time that I have had to tell customers that it is time to replace their old HP laptop with a more reliable brand.  For those loyal HP lovers I do not mean to bust your bubble but the life of HP laptop seems to be getting shorter and shorter.  There is a increase 13.6 % chance of failure rate between Asus and HP laptop according to Statistics Brain.

1. The ability to share HD video is an amazing feature for this powerful.  Capturing and Sharing Pictures and HD Video
2. Voice and Data Simultaneously is a great feature when collaborating with the home office on IT projects.

3. The Smart Actions App allows me to set certain actions that my phone should perform based on the time of day.  I particularly like the ability to turn off apps and updates.

4. The power life of this device is absolutely amazing.  I charge my device overnight and I can stay productive all day without desperately looking for a power outlet.